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A manual composed for this workshop provides a description of the five sections of the Adapted Tango class, a complete syllabus that describes the plan for each lesson (including rhythms, steps of the day, and embellishments) as well as information about people with movement disorders and motor impairments, fall risk and prevention. The teacher training workshop focuses on the mechanics of teaching adapted tango, and includes didactic and experiential instruction regarding teaching populations with sensory and motor impairments ( e.g., older adults and individuals with PD). 19 The program also expanded the rhythmic training component to harness the known movement facilitation effects of auditory cueing for PD. 9,11-13,17 Uniquely, the program described here implemented an uninvestigated dose of 20, 1.5h biweekly sessions, which meets recommendations that older adults exceed 150 min of weekly exercise, 18 and provides additional learning time for individuals with PD to overcome motor learning challenges. The adapted tango program described here incorporates key, novel elements based upon curricula developed through an empirical approach in several studies. 16 This paper outlines methodology for dissemination of adapted tango, including standardization of an evidence-based curriculum and comprehensive training of dance teachers without clinical qualifications. 15 This has resulted in insufficient numbers of adequately trained fitness personnel to provide community-based exercise activities suited to the unique needs of individuals with motor impairments. Few evidence-based exercise programs are being systematically disseminated through delivery systems. To ensure engaging, effective exercise programs like adapted tango are accessible by community-dwelling older adults, individuals with PD, and others with motor impairments, adapted tango must be disseminated beyond the academic research setting and into the community. Within the context of adapted tango, partner dancing is a sophisticated, yet accessible system of tactile communication that conveys motor intentions and goals between a ‘leader’ (planner of movement) and ‘follower’ (externally cued mover).

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Participants focus on foot placement, whole body coordination, and attention to partner, path of movement, and aesthetics. 14 Adapted tango is designed to address motor impairments including those specific to individuals with PD, i.e., bradykinesia, shortened stride length, backward instability, turning issues, and freezing of gait.Ĭomposed of simple step elements, adapted tango involves movement initiation and cessation, multi-directional perturbations, varied speeds and rhythms. 7 In institutional settings, adapted Argentine tango (adapted tango) has improved mobility, balance and QOL in those with PD, 8-12 stroke, 13 and older individuals with visual impairment. Frequent participation in partnered dance is associated with superior balance, gait, and reaction time in older dancers compared to age-matched non-dancers. 6ĭance has recently garnered attention as a potentially effective exercise therapy to address balance impairments. 5 Specifically, exercise programs that 1) incorporate dynamic balance practice and 2) involve motor adaptation according to task and environmental demands can rehabilitate balance impairment. Physical activities that challenge mobility have beneficial effects on balance and can increase self-efficacy in performing activities of daily living (ADLs). Older adults and individuals with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) suffer decreased quality of life (QOL), 1-3 poor mobility, and high risk of falls 4 secondary to their motor and cognitive impairments. Efficacy in improving mobility (measured with the Timed Up and Go, Tandem stance, Berg Balance Scale, Gait Speed and 30 sec chair stand), safety and fidelity of the program is maximized through targeted instructor and volunteer training and a structured detailed syllabus outlining class practices and progression. In this paper, we describe the methodology to disseminate the adapted tango teaching methods to dance instructor trainees and to implement the adapted tango by the trainees in the community for older adults and individuals with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Focus on foot placement, whole body coordination, and attention to partner, path of movement, and aesthetics likely underlie adapted tango’s demonstrated efficacy for improving mobility and balance. Adapted tango involves movement initiation and cessation, multi-directional perturbations, varied speeds and rhythms. It is composed of very simple step elements. Adapted tango dancing improves mobility and balance in older adults and additional populations with balance impairments.

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